[Q] Is a newer version of the Prolog implementation available?

Hannes Hirzel hirzel at spw.unizh.ch
Mon Mar 4 23:32:36 UTC 2002


I'v a question concerning the Prolog implementation in Smalltalk
by Mike Teng ported to Squeak by Bolot Kerimbaev.


It files in fine in Squeak 2.7 but gives a walkback in version 3.0.

Actually the implementation is a very interesting piece of software.
A subclass of the parser is created and you can add classes within the 
current browsers that have the methods which are collection of prolog
clauses. With this mechanism in place there is a part of the system
written in Prolog and that's the place where the problem lies. The prolog
does not compile properly anymore.

arg(n, structure, x) Nothing more expected ->:-
	is(true, structure value isKindOf: List),
	is(x, (self allValue: structure)
		at: n + 1).

It breaks in 
LParser>>method: doit context: ctxt encoder: encoderToUse

Does anybody have an updated version of the Prolog changeset?
Or a more precise information on which is the last version where it 
files in fine.
This would allow to more easily find out which change set broke the
Prolog implementation?

I would be interested in having it in a version as recent as possible.

Hannes Hirzel

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