[Q]MIDI error messages in Windows98

Jerzy Karczmarczuk karczma at info.unicaen.fr
Thu Mar 7 10:56:39 UTC 2002

Stéphane Rollandin:

> I'm using Squeak 3.2gamma on Windows98
> When trying to open a busy MIDI port, an error message window (which is not
> a Morph but some kind of system window) appears at the bottom of the Squeak
> window and stays there, on top of everything else, although invisible after
> redrawing.

I remind you that I had the same problem with 3.0 (and it was anyway better
that what Linux did: blocked the system...; some people helped me to deal with
this nuisance, but the problems persist.).

This ugly Window console *IS* harmful, it intercepts all mouse activity near
the window bottom, so in any case, when I reload Squeak the first thing I do is
to move bottom flaps to the top.

Che successo, maestri?

Jerzy Karczmarczuk
Caen, France

(PS. Or, is it perhaps a French Disease, since until now just two fellows from
 France || with French names, complained...)

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