Embedded Squeak, was Re: Introduction

Dave Hylands dhylands at broadcom.com
Fri Mar 8 21:56:53 UTC 2002

Les Tyrrell wrote:
> In a nutshell, my belief is that if you are facing a 
> commercial deadline, then this is probably an 
> ambitious goal.  If not, and you have some time to
> explore and move the state of the art forward a bit, 
> then there are several options.

In my case, this is hobby stuff, so I can move at my own pace.

Tim Rowlege wrote:
> Making a part-rom part-ram image with the current object 
> memory would be tricky though probably not impossible.
> Experience suggests that an Object Table can really earn 
> its keep for this purpose.

Hmm. I like this idea. I think I'll have to investigate further. I'd like to
have the main program live in flash, and have some type of initial image
start out in flash, but have changes applied in RAM. I haven't looked at the
VM yet, but I have some ideas, so I'll see where that goes.

Then you could download an initial image, but make incremental changes.

I'd like to thank everyone for the pointers so far, it's enough to keep me

Dave Hylands

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