Read-eval loop with prompt + user input

Hannes Hirzel hirzel at
Fri Mar 15 20:57:40 UTC 2002

On 15 Mar 2002, Martin Drautzburg wrote:

> I guess what I am looking for is something like "terminal" and a way
> to read() and write() from/to it procedurally speaking.
> Reading from a Terminal must be possible becuase the Workspace does
> it, yet not after a CR but after Cmd-D.
> I don't know how to write to a Terminal.
> I may be completely off the beaten track, just because I am so used to
> writing little prgrams as shellscripts or in Perl. These often prompt
> the user for things like "do you really" and stuff like that. In a way
> I like this better than popping up a window, you don't have to take
> your hands off the keyboard. I am very cmdline oriented and too many
> menus and popups drive me nuts after a while.
Look at the command shell goodie by Dave Lewis


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