Request For Help : Compiler Plugin

PhiHo Hoang phiho.hoang at
Sat Mar 16 21:59:26 UTC 2002

Dear Squeakers,

	Now that I have the 3 MetaObjects to seed my MetaObjectMemory
(SqMOM :-)

	FWIW, ObjectMemoryPlugin.dll is 33K, InterpreterPlugin.dll is
40K, PrimitivesPlugin.dll is 81K. There is a slight penalty in
performance but I think it can be improved.

	Now I need your help to port the compiler from GNU-Smalltalk to
Squeak to further seed SqMOM.

	This compiler plugin will communicate with the above pieces
through MetaObjectProxy (MOP, and not to be confused with CLOS MOP,
shall I call it SqMOP or SqMOI, MetaObjectInterface ;-)

	I heard the story about the image for a '3 + 4' (was it less
than 10K ?) from last year ESUG report (?). I like to make one such
image for Squeak. This is my first tiny little step towards a 'double

	Your pointers, advices, helps, and even implementation is very
much greatly appreciated.



	P.S: While learning about a compiler for Squeak, I came across
'The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Smalltalk Compiler', quote:

	'The compiler is probably close to the bottom of the list of
things one would want to mess with. If you do so often, your name must
be Dan or Eliot or you work with one of them. In that case you might not
learn much, if anything at all here.'

	Is this the same Dan used to hang out on this list with all the
updates ?
	If yes, I really hope that he is listening ;-)

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