[Q] Preferences, Parameters and MorphExtensions

Martin Drautzburg martin.drautzburg at web.de
Sun Mar 17 15:33:24 UTC 2002

Preferences and Parameters

        There is a class "Preferences" that answers various questions,
        like "Window color". It sometimes seems to decide that itself
        and sometimes it looks things up in "Parameters". Now what is
        this "Parameters". Syntactically it looks like a Class or a
        global Variable, but it is neither the one nor the other.

        I can inspect Parameters (it is an IdentityDictionary - I
        guess this is what a perl programmer would call a "hash") when
        browsing the Preferences class, but not by simply highlighting
        the word "Parameters" in the workspace.

        What is this "Paramters" thingy ?


        It seems to me that the more sohisticated settings
        (e.g. Gradient fills) are kept in a MorphExtension that is
        "attached" to the main morph. This looks like a parallel world
        to the Preferences/Parameters world to me. Is this correct ?
        When are the MorphExtensions created ?
        When I want to give all SystemBrowser(s) a gradient fill, what
        would I have to do ? 

        I know how to do this with the halo, but this will not change
        future browsers, just the one that is running.

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