[Q] Preferences, Parameters and MorphExtensions

Richard A. O'Keefe ok at cs.otago.ac.nz
Tue Mar 19 03:22:38 UTC 2002

Martin Drautzburg <martin.drautzburg at web.de> wrote:
	Preferences and Parameters
	        There is a class "Preferences" that answers various questions,
	        like "Window color". It sometimes seems to decide that itself
	        and sometimes it looks things up in "Parameters". Now what is
	        this "Parameters"?

When you opened a browser on Preferences, such as by typing
"Preferences" into a workspace and doing Command-b, the browser
showed you

    Object subclass: #Preferences
        instanceVariableNames: ''
        classVariableNames: 'CategoryInfo DesktopColor FlagDictionary
                             HelpDictionary Parameters SyntaxColorsAndStyles'
	poolDictionaries: ''                ^^^^^^^^^^
	category: 'System-Support'          ||||||||||
from which we see at a glance that Parameters is a class variable.
It's like an OWN variable in a Simula 67 class, or a 'static' member
in C++ or Java.

If you do Option-Mouse in the top right pane (the methods pane),
you'll be given a menu.  This menu includes
    inst var refs...
    inst var defs...
    class var refs...
    class variables
and if you choose "class variables" from this menu, you're given an
inspector on a dictionary whose keys are the class variable names.

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