Working with lots of large Forms

Karl Ramberg karl.ramberg at
Wed Mar 20 16:42:58 UTC 2002

Yisrael Lowenstein wrote:
> I am working on making squeak Digital Video Special Effects demos for
> SqueakEnd.  I am trying to get a nice way to have OrderedCollection type
> access to lots of large forms.  I can't keep them in memory because they
> are far too big.
> My solution so far has been to make a sort of wrapper class that reads in
> an mpeg or a zip file of BMPs and saves the frames as BMPs to a directory.
> Then the user can use the wrapper to access and change those files.
> my main problems are:
> - kludginess:  does squeak have something that automatically handles
> bringing big things in and out of memory?  someone mentioned using an
> OrderedCollection of ImageSegments of Forms...would this work?  where can
> I find info about how to use ImageSegments?
> - speed: my current use of BMPs is pretty good fast for reading, but
> writing takes a much longer...Is there a way to save and reload forms in a
> different, faster format?  I saw writeOn: and storeOn: but was unable to
> get them to work correctly/ figure out how to read them back in.
> Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
> Thanks!

I think you should look at the jpeg movie format that is in the latest
Squeak versions. It will do most of this dirty work for you and you
can consentrate on image manipulation.


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