reading projects from the net - working ?

John Hinsley johnhinsley at
Sun Mar 24 23:03:06 UTC 2002

On Sun, 24 Mar 2002, Martin Drautzburg wrote:
> I recently tried to download 

> My question is: do people really use this project downloading or is
> this more like an unsupported feature ? Am I doing something wrong ?

I've never tried it (I guess you're trying to download a project from BSS?)
from within Scamper.

Can you try:

1.	Connect to internet

2.	Open a file browser and click in the [ ] in the top left pane (BSS
should show up) and then click on that and find what you want and "load as

There may be issues (old projects, stuff that will only work with one version
of Squeak) with odd projects on BSS, but generally I've found it to work very
well indeed.



 They're afraid, very afraid...... According to CRN magazine,
Microsoft staff discovering Linux in use will have now access to a special
'escalation' team. Now, where did I put that stake and mallet?

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