[Q] [BUG] Saving a project

Diego Gomez Deck DiegoGomezDeck at ConsultAr.com
Tue May 7 21:05:07 UTC 2002

>Diego Gomez Deck wrote:
> > Yes I have one, but the tutorial is a StackMorph and I don't know how 
> to transfer it to other image (I ever used .pr files).
> >
> > I'll see the 4855 update and I'll try to fix it...
>Andreas suggested a fix for that update that worked for me. (Meaning
>using a modifed version of that update and filing in the updates
>Andreas, is the update fixed on the servers??

The following methods refence to a class (ResourceCollector) not available 
in the Image....


  have you this class? can you send me a fileout?


Diego Gomez Deck

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