[BUG FIX] ScrollPane focus frame drawing

Tim Olson tim at jump.net
Thu May 9 13:10:33 UTC 2002

I had been noticing an annoying drawing interaction with the ScrollPane 
focus frame and the reframe handle drawing:

When you move the cursor slowly out of a ScrollPane, the focus frame 
remains until you transition into another frame to change focus.  
However, if you move out on an edge that can be reframed, the reframing 
code causes a partial redraw of the ScrollPane contents, and since the 
ScrollPane doesn't have focus, the partial redraw doesn't draw the focus 
frame, leaving an ugly gap in the focus frame (try slowly moving the 
cursor back and forth across the bottom edge of the leftmost pane [class 
category pane] of a Browser window). 

A solution is to remove the focus frame immediately upon mouseLeave, by 
sending a self changed message:

ScrollPane>>mouseLeave: event
	hasFocus _ false.
	self changed.         "added to redraw without focus frame"
		ifTrue: [self hideScrollBar].
	(owner isKindOf: SystemWindow)
		ifTrue: [owner paneTransition: event]

This fixes the annoying drawing problem.  But now there is a much less 
annoying "focus frame flash" when slowly entering into a ScrollPane along 
a resizing edge.

     -- tim

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