[FIX] ArchiveViewerFontFix-nk

Ned Konz ned at bike-nomad.com
Fri May 10 15:12:04 UTC 2002

Scott Wallace pointed out to me that he was having problems with the 
button font in the Archive Viewer.

I'd "fixed" the button font logic earlier to deal with the time when 
we didn't have Comic Bold 9 any more in the image, but I made a bit 
of a mistake by asking for the font name (which on his system was 
Palatino09) instead of the font familyName (Palatino).

The attached change set fixes this logic: first, the narrowest font is 
chosen for the button text, then the width of the window is set to 
agree with the required button bar size.

Ned Konz
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Name: ArchiveViewerFontFix-nk.1.cs.gz
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Url : http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/pipermail/squeak-dev/attachments/20020510/833e88df/ArchiveViewerFontFix-nk.1.cs.bin

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