
Avi Bryant avi at
Mon May 13 08:50:14 UTC 2002

On Mon, 13 May 2002 goran.hultgren at wrote:

> > Ah, well, I agree that something like StORE is very nice; however, being
> > able to integrate with the flat-file world is very useful.  I'll be doing
> > some work soon with a company whose work flow is currently very based
> > around CVS, and since I'm helping them migrate to Smalltalk, I thought I'd
> > see if I could get reasonable integration between Squeak and CVS to ease
> > the transition.
> Just tell me if you in any way think sqcvs might be interesting - a
> little bit more encouragement might make me throw in those hours to get
> it working! :-)

Well, I don't know - how easy is it to do branching with sqcvs?  What
about merging and resolving conflicts?  If sqcvs can truly replace the
normal CVS client then great, but my guess is that I'm still going to be
dependent on the traditional tools for a while.

You say diffs are half done - it would be nice for me to be able to do
something like

CVS unifiedDiffForFile: 'foo' betweenRevision: 1.2 andRevision: 'HEAD'

and get a stream back.  How feasible is this?


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