[BUG] Whisker clogs up DependentsFields; Object flushDependents brutally slow

Bob Arning arning at charm.net
Wed May 15 21:42:09 UTC 2002

On Wed, 15 May 2002 16:47:00 -0400 Brian Keefer <mgomes21 at cox.net> wrote:
>By brutally slow, I mean flushDependents takes over a minute. My image
>gradually came to this level of sloth, I only noticed the growing delay in
>save&|quit(which do explicit GC with flushDependents). DependentsFields
>contains 4600 instances of
>ClassInHierarchyWrapper, which I guess is eating most of my cycles.
>According to Object's comment, heavy users of dependents should inherit
>from Model, and carry their own deps list. Would reparenting
>ListItemWrapper to Modal be the right fix? 


I did a little test and was about to inquire just how slow your computer was when I re-read your message. My test had added 4600 items to DependentsFields and then timed Object flushDependents -- about 6 seconds. When I saw you actually had more than 4600 items total, I counted up what was in your jpeg and tried again with 7532 items in DependentsFields. This time it took 61 seconds! Looks like you have crossed a threshhold where the 12-bit identity hash values stop being reasonably efficient and result in lots of re-probing.

So, yes, try reparenting the wrappers from Model or just implement #myDependents and #myDependents: so as to avoid inheriting anything you don't need (there may be some isKindOf: Model tests out there somewhere).


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