PDF: preliminary results

Hans-Martin Mosner hmm at heeg.de
Fri Nov 1 16:39:47 UTC 2002

Marcel Weiher wrote:

> On Friday, November 1, 2002, at 04:57 Uhr, Hans-Martin Mosner wrote:
>      Hello,
>      for those who want to have PDF rendering in Squeak, here's a screenshot of a rendered page from the PDF 1.3 manual. As you can see if you compare it with the actual version of the manual, the font mappings for the symbol font are not correct yet, colors are not used for text rendering, and glyphs are generally not very clean since I don't use the TrueType hinting.
>      I hope to fix some of these within the next week and release the code then, but there is a lot still to be done.
> Cool!
> Where's the preliminary change-set to go with the preliminary results?

In my changes file, in a miserable state that I can not publish without seriously compromising my good standing in the larger Smalltalk community :-)
For example, 2 out of the 3 PDF files I'm using as test data can't be rendered at all because of missing filters (LZW) and font rendering (Type1).


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