OSX VM Error while running a new BadgeMorph

Keith gte047w at cc.gatech.edu
Wed Nov 13 22:57:44 UTC 2002

We have been working on making BadgeMorphs easier and a little more useful
all semester and we have run into quite a large problem.  The VM for the Mac
OSX throws an application error and shuts squeak done with no debugging log
once the BadgeMorph tries to log on to the server.  The code works correctly
under linux, sun, and windows, so it has been quite frustrating.  It is also
baffling because the logon method simply starts a background process, opens
up a webpage, parses data from the webpage, and sets the EToyListenerMorph
to listen.

To recreate the problem file in the change set from
http://coweb.cc.gatech.edu/squeakers/35.  BadgeMorphConnector openAsMorph
will start the application and then press the logon button.  That is it and
then squeak crashes.

Feel free to test/use our program and post bugs/suggestions to the coweb.
Additional information about the project and some information (slightly
outdated) about the server can be found at


keith mcdermott, cs2335 ta
gte047w at cc.gatech.edu

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