socket synchronization

Michael Rueger m.rueger at
Wed Nov 20 02:19:19 UTC 2002

Michael Rueger wrote:
> Andreas.Raab at wrote:
>  > glab server). There's clearly a huge inefficiency (bug?!) in
>  > SocketStream's upToAll: implementation which will *always* have to
>  > time out unless the server
> Good one!!

Thinking about it again:

upToAll: delims
	| searchBuffer index |
	searchBuffer _ String new.
	[searchBuffer _ searchBuffer , self inStream contents.
	self resetInStream.
	index _ searchBuffer indexOfSubCollection: delims startingAt: 1.
	index = 0]
		whileTrue: [self receiveData].

receiveData is only called when data is required, so there should be no 
difference between this version and replacing it with receiveDataNoWait. 
If there is data, then the call should return before the timeout anyways???

Did anybody try replacing the call and notice any difference?


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