Creating *many* files.

Markus Fritsche Fritsche.Markus at
Wed Nov 20 15:53:04 UTC 2002

Andreas.Raab at wrote:

>Ah, but you see this is a conceptional mistake - texCoordS and texCoords
>should have never be named that way and if selectors were case insensitive (as
>they should) I would have never made the mistake of naming the methods that

| s i | s _ Set new. i _ 0.
Smalltalk allClassesDo: [ :clz |
    clz methodDict keysDo: [ :sel |
        s add: (clz name, '-', (sel asUppercase)).
        i _ i + 1.
    Transcript show: clz; cr. "Show progress"
i - (s size).

Evaluates to '2'. So, there is another of this pair, or do I an 
off-by-one mistake?


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