Why is YAXO in the stream?

Avi Bryant avi at beta4.com
Wed Nov 20 19:12:33 UTC 2002

On Wed, 20 Nov 2002, Stephen Pair wrote:

> it would allow you to handle the case where two people concurrently work
> on version 1 of a package and both try to file out their changes (the
> first one to file out would be "packageXYZ-2.st" and the second would be
> "packageXYZ-1.1.st"). Merge tools could be added at a later date.


Are you aware of the work I'm doing on Monticello?  It does a lot of what
you're describing here as "additions to DVS", except cleaner because it
abandons the dependence on chunk format and files.  Although it doesn't
use VersionNumber yet, because I couldn't find a link to it when I
searched... :)


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