BC + call/cc

Anthony Hannan squeak-dev at lists.squeakfoundation.org
Mon Oct 28 00:49:17 UTC 2002

> Cool, thanks for helping with this.  Note that I get a segfault if I try
> to resume a continuation with a SmallInteger parameter.

Yes, there is a bug in my VM somewhere that cause GC to crash.  I'm
trying to debug it now.

> I tried filing in your Continuation class and running Seaside, but I
> quickly got the appened walkback (in a flashing notifier as if they were
> being continuously generated, with no response from the UI).
> Unfortunately the #forkAndWait makes it hard for me to isolate where in my
> code this is happening.  Does the walkback tell you anything by itself?

> MethodContext2 errorCannotCopyContext?

I raise the above exception when a process is being copied that contains
an error.  Try commenting out the if test that calls
errorCannotCopyContext, and see if you get the process copied anyway
with the error in it.  I put this catch in because Exceptions hold onto
explicit contexts for a particular process and when copied would refer
to the original process from the new process, which doesn't make sense.

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