SqueakMap tommorrow?

Avi Bryant avi at beta4.com
Tue Sep 17 06:58:00 UTC 2002

On Tue, 17 Sep 2002, [ISO-8859-1] G=F6ran Hultgren wrote:

> Ok, a few questions before I look at this:
> DVS (and Module filer) is a source repository "thingy", right? Like CVSTP=

Very much like CVSTProj.  More neutral, in that it plays nice with
existing Squeak tools (DVS fileOuts are in standard chunk-format,
and synchronization is done by converting diff files to change sets).  But
I think you're right that SqueakMap should be package-agnostic, at least
until we all agree on a standard.

> I will add adding/updating package entries in SMSqueakMapBrowser but I am=
> sure how I should hook up some form of "publish" mechanism and still keep
> SqueakMap neutral in that particular "war"...

Well, I don't think that's so much a problem - if you make it easy to
publish modules on SqueakMap in one particular format, great - those who
don't want to use that format can still use it the way we do now, right?
Not that I think fileOut format is going to become a massively contentious
issue anyway...

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