Bad Aspects of Morphic?

Aaron J Reichow reic0024 at
Fri Sep 27 14:30:43 UTC 2002


Anyone with experience programming more average or normal GUI toolkits
knows that Morphic is different.  I think that most people, if they learn
how to use it, find Morphic better in many ways.  At least I do.  I find
myself wanting to change my environment, be it Mac OS X, Linux or Win98
(only at work, and not for long! :), but then I realize that
Cocoa/GTK+/Win98 are a PIA compared to Morphic for a lot of things.

But surely, Morphic has to have issues.  Speed is the biggest one I've
heard and observed myself.  What else is wrong with Morphic and how can we
fix it?  I'd say we have one of the coolest UI toolkits around, but it can

1. Speed
   * Solution: ?
2. No a consistent and comprehensive 'regular' set of widgets for Morphic.
   * Solution: Commuinity could decide on Prefab, BobsUI or something
	new- but a partial consensus would be good, so newbies (or oldies)
	know where to put work when they want a new widget part of this
	consistent set
3. I'm told events in Morphic suck?


  Aaron Reichow  ::  UMD ACM Pres  ::
"the profit system follows the path of least resistance and following the path
    of least resistance is what makes a river crooked."   ::  u. utah phillips

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