MIDI on OSX testing

Maloney, John squeak-dev at lists.squeakfoundation.org
Thu Sep 5 17:28:30 UTC 2002

Jay, this is really fabulous! Any chance the code is backward
compatible with OS 9, perhaps with some sort of system
extension. (Probably not, but it's worth asking...)
What's the earliest OS X release that had MIDI support?

I'm delighted--I haven't been able to do MIDI output to an
external synth on the Mac since I got a USB Mac. And we've
*never* been able to handle multiple MIDI port interfaces
like the MIDISport using SimpleMIDIPort. Thanks!

Could you send me and John McIntosh your sqMacMIDI.c?

John Mac--If you get a chance, could you take a look
at Jay's code and, if it looks good, fold it into the VM
source code?

	-- John

At 10:04 AM -0700 9/5/02, Jay Hardesty wrote:
>If anyone wants to try playing MIDI on OSX I've got a new
>sqMacMIDI.c file, as well as a VM compiled with the changes
>(VM generated from an 3.2 (4956) image).
>It seems to work on my system, which is a dual-450 G4
>using a MIDISport 4x4 USB MIDI interface.  You can also
>playback through virtual MIDI ports, for instance soft-synths
>or ports created through apps like MIDIPatchbay.  I'm running
>OSX 10.2, but 10.1.5 works too last time I checked.
>The SimpleMIDIPort class works 'as is' with the
>new external code.  At least I can download a fresh image
>and play the ScorePlayer demo through any of the MIDI
>ports or through Quicktime.  I didn't need to make any changes
>to MIDIPlugin or the primitives' glue code.
>I have a MultiMIDIPort class also working though the code
>could use some rearranging - right now it's all class methods
>(which may make sense since I can't foresee there being multiple
>There are many issues (buffering, time-stamping, using
>semaphores, etc) that could greatly benefit from someone
>with more MIDI knowledge taking a look.  I've got things working
>to the point of being able to send notes, program changes, and
>control changes to any port/channel for immediate playback.
>I haven't gone very far beyond that except for adding some
>MIDI input data buffering (and there's probably a better way...)
>Anyone brave &  patient enough to try this stuff out let me know -
>I very open to suggestions and constructive criticism (or even
>better: any MIDI expert who wants to take the code to the next level..)
>There are definitely some rough edges and kludges - but I think a
>good foothold.

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