KCP: Help with Vocabulary (Scott??)

Stephane Ducasse ducasse at iam.unibe.ch
Tue Apr 15 20:18:05 UTC 2003


I'm cleaning SystemDictionary and moving all the browse* methods from 
SystemDictionary to SystemNavigation (a new class).

Now I face the problem that vocabulary has the method 
newSystemVocabulary, and I could not find where/if the messages are 
activated. I imagine a perform somewhere but I could not find Smalltalk 

I found the following Vocabulary class>>instanceWhoRespondsTo: aSelector
	"Find the most likely class that responds to aSelector.  Return an 
instance of it.  Look in vocabularies to match the selector."

This method seems to have a clever logic, so is the following 
assumption (that it will detect automatically that I moved the method 
from one class to another one) correct?


Vocabulary class>>instanceWhoRespondsTo: aSelector
	"Find the most likely class that responds to aSelector.  Return an 
instance of it.  Look in vocabularies to match the selector."

"Most eToy selectors are for Players"
	| mthRefs |
	((self vocabularyNamed: #eToy) includesSelector: aSelector) ifTrue: [
			aSelector == #+ ifFalse: [^ Player new costume: Morph new]].

	"Numbers are a problem"
	((self vocabularyNamed: #Number) includesSelector: aSelector) ifTrue: [
			^ 1].	"Is a Float any different?"

	#("String Point Time Date") do: [:nn |
		 ((self vocabularyNamed: nn) includesSelector: aSelector) ifTrue: [
			"Ask Scott how to get a prototypical instance"
			^ (Smalltalk at: nn) new]].

	mthRefs _ Smalltalk allImplementorsOf: aSelector.	"every one who 
implements the selector"
	mthRefs sortBlock: [:a :b |
		(Smalltalk at: a classSymbol) allSuperclasses size <
			(Smalltalk at: b classSymbol) allSuperclasses size].
	mthRefs size > 0 ifTrue: [^ (Smalltalk at: mthRefs first classSymbol) 

	^ Error new

	"Answer a Vocabulary object representing significant requests one can 
make to the Smalltalk object"

	| aVocabulary |
	aVocabulary _ self new.

	aVocabulary vocabularyName: #System.
	aVocabulary documentation: 'Useful messages you might want to send to 
	aVocabulary initializeFromTable:  #(
(aboutThisSystem none () none (basic queries) 'put up a message 
describing the system' unused)
(saveAsNewVersion none () none (services) 'advance to the next 
available image-version number and save the image under that new name' 
unused znak)
(datedVersion none () String (queries) 'the version of the Squeak 
(endianness none () String (queries) 'big or little - the byte-ordering 
of the hardware Squeak is currently running on')
(exitToDebugger none () none (dangerous) 'exits to the host debugger.  
Do not use this -- I guarantee you will be sorry.')
(bytesLeft none () Number (basic services) 'perform a garbage 
collection and answer the number of bytes of free space remaining in 
the system')
(browseAllCallsOn: none ((aSelector String)) none (#'queries') 'browse 
all calls on a selector')
(browseAllImplementorsOf: none ((aSelector String)) none (#'queries') 
'browse all implementors of a selector')

(allMethodsWithSourceString:matchCase: none ((aString String) 
(caseSensitive Boolean)) none (queries) 'browse all methods that have 
the given source string, making the search case-sensitive or not 
depending on the argument provided.')

(browseMethodsWithString:matchCase: none ((aString String) 
(caseSensitive Boolean)) none (queries) 'browse all methods that 
contain the given string in any string literal, making the search 
case-sensitive or not depending on the argument provided.')

(browseAllImplementorsOf:localTo: none ((aSelector String) (aClass 
Class)) none (#'queries') 'browse all implementors of a selector that 
are local to a class')

"(isKindOf: none 	((aClass Class)) Boolean (#'class membership') 
'answer whether the receiver''s superclass chain includes aClass')"
	^ aVocabulary

"Vocabulary initialize"
"Vocabulary addStandardVocabulary: Vocabulary newSystemVocabulary"

"Smalltalk basicInspect"
"Smalltalk beViewed"

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