Tiny UI fixes, ShrinkingSelection, cursor up/down

Paul Chapman paul at igblan.free-online.co.uk
Sat Apr 26 13:01:06 UTC 2003

I'm a few days into using Squeak, and I've found a couple of tiny improvements to the UI which I thought I'd post here.

(1) It seems to me that the text insertion point (caret) is one pixel too far right.  To fix this, in NewParagraph>>displaySelectionInLine:on: replace

    rightX _ rightX + 1.


    leftX = 0 ifTrue: [rightX _ rightX + 1] ifFalse: [leftX _ leftX - 1].

(2) As a Windows user, I like to have Shift-Del, Ctrl-Ins and Shift-Ins do cut, copy, and paste respectively.  To add this behaviour, append the following to InputSensor class>>installKeyDecodeTable :

 Smalltalk platformName = 'Win32' ifTrue: [
   at: { 127 . 1 } put: { 120 . 8 }; "Shift-Del -> Cmd-X"
   at: { 5 . 1 } put: { 118 . 8}; "Shift-Ins -> Cmd-V"
   at: { 5 . 2 } put: { 99 . 8 }; "Ctrl-Ins -> Cmd-C"

and then do

    InputSensor installKeyDecodeTable

Once I've compiled a few of these, I'll put them up on a Swiki page.


Does anyone know what happened to ShrinkingSelection?  Trying to load



    Attachment ShrinkingSelection.5.sar not found!


Finally, I find the cursor up/down behaviour in wrapped text unusual: surely these should move a *displayed* line at a time, not a *logical* line at a time.  Is this being addressed, or is it felt that the current behaviour is "correct"? :)

Cheers, Paul

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