Extending FileList with CrLf

Matej Kosik kosik at decef.elf.stuba.sk
Fri Aug 1 15:00:18 UTC 2003

On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 05:36:20PM +0300, Daniel Vainsencher wrote:
> I don't know what a "high level environment" is.

Once Squeak (or something which will grown from it)
becomes a stand alone operating system, there will be no need for

   a file

I think that they exist in squeak only as a interface to the world around
it (for filing out the sources, filing in the sources, etc.)

Yes, there is some implied line ending convention which is not compatible
with my operating system (Linux). If I need to see those source, I had
to work around (with one simple command). But I would not like to spoil
Squeak with this work around (put it there).

Squeak is not a environment designated for processing files.

I don't know. Am I wrong?
Matej Kosik <http://infobox.sk/kosik>
ICQ: 300133844

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