Organizing a Squeak Bof at ESUG

Stephane Ducasse ducasse at
Sat Aug 2 20:35:48 UTC 2003

Hi guys,

if you looked at the program of ESUG you see that roel payed attention 
to have
a lot of free slots in the afternoon (just after the jump in the 
swimming pool - I hope the water will be hot enough), so I would loved 
to see all the demos of the stuff I never have the time to 
install/browse/play with: in no specific order MudPie, Monticello, 
BrowserUnit, the full with mega features use of the star Browser, the 
ANT like prototype of Adrian (I know that you are busy) and the stuff 
people have been doing....I could show traits in action (even if this 
will only be the old version).

So it would be nice if the squeakers would get synchronized to make 
this bof a really cool one. I hack the wiki of Janko and created a page
Feel free to add what you want to show.

We could also have a KCP cleaning party during the camp


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