altering bytecodePrimAdd & friends

John M McIntosh johnmci at
Wed Aug 13 19:12:04 UTC 2003

Now as mentioned in an earlier note the bytecodePrimAdd once it  
determines both objects are SmallIntegers does

result _ (self integerValueOf: rcvr) + (self integerValueOf: arg).
(self isIntegerValue: result) ifTrue:
		[self internalPop: 2 thenPush: (self integerObjectOf: result).
		^ self fetchNextBytecode "success"]

However if we experience an overflow to a large integer, a value >  
1073741823, then the fallback is to invoke primitiveAdd via a full  
message send, a long time consuming operation.

The interesting thing here is we do have the result in a 32bit register  
ready to go, it just needs to be converted to a LargeInteger, say via  
signed32BitIntegerFor. So I've changed the code to

result _ (self integerValueOf: rcvr) + (self integerValueOf: arg).
	(self isIntegerValue: result)
			[self internalPop: 2 thenPush: (self integerObjectOf: result)]
			[self externalizeIPandSP.
			result _ self signed32BitIntegerFor: result.
			self internalizeIPandSP.
			self internalPop: 2 thenPush: result].
			^ self fetchNextBytecode "success"]

In testing we get

Time millisecondsToRun: [100000 timesRepeat: [1073741823 + 1.  
1073741823 + 1. 1073741823 + 1. 1073741823 + 1. 1073741823 + 1. ]]

this takes 4012 ms, after the change this now takes 300 ms

The change also affects the primitiveAdd(etc) methods where the  
SmallInteger to LargeInteger would cause a primitive failure and  
fallback when doing say 1073741823 perform: #+ with: 1

Before releasing a changeset I'm doing a bit more investigation of the  
SmallInteger to LargeInteger boundary failures for other possible  
John M. McIntosh <johnmci at> 1-800-477-2659
Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd.

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