[BUG] ExceptionTester>>simpleOuterTest fails

Marcus Denker marcus at ira.uka.de
Sun Aug 17 12:11:35 UTC 2003

ExceptionTester>>simpleOuterTest fails (3.6beta 5395)

Reproduce with  (ExceptionTester is part of the BaseImage
Test Package):

  ExceptionTester new runTest: #simpleOuterTest) suiteLog

Here's the test:

	"uses #resume"

	[[self doSomething.
	MyTestNotification signal.
	self doSomethingElse]
		on: MyTestNotification
		do: [:ex | ex outer]]
				on: MyTestNotification
				do: [:ex | self doYetAnotherThing. ex resume]

Marcus Denker marcus at ira.uka.de  -- Squeak! http://squeak.de

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