[VM] Recompiling the VM under MacOsX

Ian Piumarta ian.piumarta at inria.fr
Sat Aug 23 15:23:20 UTC 2003

Hi Alexandre,

> sqUnixObjC.m:406: internal error: Bus error

One broken compiler, two effective solutions:

  1)   sudo gcc_select 2

  2)   open http://developer.apple.com
       <download and install gcc-3.3 update>
       sudo gcc_select 3.3
       <never look back ;^>

Whichever you choose you should clean out the build dir completely and
start over.

(I consider solution (2) to be much more effective than (1).  On the other
hand, if you use ProjectBungler to build other stuff with gcc3 then you'll
have to tweak it to understand about gcc-3.3 -- although everything you
need to do is apparently explained in the release notes that come with the
update.  For one thing, gcc3 understands precompiled headers, gcc2
doesn't.  If you revert to gcc2 in PB you'll grow old while waiting for
anything that #includes Apple headers...)


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