About Tim fix on allCall for interpreter plugin

Stephane Ducasse ducasse at iam.unibe.ch
Sat Aug 23 16:53:55 UTC 2003

Hi Tim

We are trying to introduce your change for allCallOn 
in KCP during CampSmalltalk and we have several questions:

	- Why do we need to have these different names? If we would not have 
this different names
	all of this would be gone :)

	- Should not it be symmetric (if I browse plugin's moduleName should I 
get the class too?)

	- From the design point of view we would like to have StringHolder 
talking only to 	systemNavigation and may be systemNavigation could 
dispatch to the Class/InterpreterPlugin.
	The browser should not define navigation but use it from 
SystNavigation. This is easy to fix.

Stef, Roel and Daniel

ESUG is cool...the swimming pool excellent and the site really 
beautiful ;)

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