Method Annotations

Avi Bryant avi at
Sat Aug 23 19:36:02 UTC 2003

On Sat, 23 Aug 2003, Michael Rueger wrote:

> I found an excellent example of how this can break your system:
> Morph class>>
> noteCompilationOf: aSelector meta: isMeta
> 	"Any change to an additionsToViewer... method can invalidate existing
> etoy vocabularies"
> 	(isMeta and: [aSelector beginsWith: 'additionsToViewer']) ifTrue:
> 		[Vocabulary changeMadeToViewerAdditions]
> *While* it is fileing in code this "sort-of-annotation" mechanism does
> somthing that reinitializes another, totally unrelated part of the
> system. Which, not surprisingly, doesn't work unless you carefully
> hand-order the methods in your filein. Hoping of course, that there is a
>   filein order that will work.

Well, the problem here isn't with the annotation but with the notification
- any notifications about added methods and so on really should be wrapped
in a check using InMidstOfFileInNotification.  Ideally, the notifications
should be batched and all sent once the fileIn is complete (Roel, does
your system handle this case at all?).

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