About Tim fix on allCall for interpreter plugin

Stephane Ducasse ducasse at iam.unibe.ch
Sun Aug 24 07:54:14 UTC 2003

On Saturday, August 23, 2003, at 07:27 PM, Tim Rowledge wrote:

>> We are trying to introduce your change for allCallOn
>> (http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak/3209)
>> in KCP during CampSmalltalk and we have several questions:
>> 	- Why do we need to have these different names? If we would not have
>> this different names
>> 	all of this would be gone :)
> Which names are you referring to? Probably #allCallsOn I guess; so I 
> can
> only say that since it becomes a unary message it seemed like the
> obvious answer. If you can think of better names do feel free to use
> them.

No I mean the fact that a method does not refer to the class but the 
module name.

>> - Should not it be symmetric (if I browse plugin's moduleName should I
>> get the class too?)
> Sounds like an excellent idea to me. Could be tricky to implement
> efficiently though. The module name is
> a) just a string that might or might not actually exist - remember many
> modules are named from the class' name.

Why could not we have all module named from their class name. This 
would solved a lot
of problem

> b) it is possible for several modules classes to share one name - for
> example FilePlugin could very plausibly have a subclass
> 'AcornFilePlugin' that uses the same moduleName so that it usurps
> FilePugin for Acorn machines.
> But don't let me stop you from coming up with a good answer!

Ok I understand
> My draft code was very much a trivial illustration of a way to add
> flexibility to the #allCallsOn: protocol and I urge you to do whatever
> you need to do to make it work for you. My only real contribution here
> is spotting a way to delegate the details to the classes that really
> know the answers.


To write a test I guess that we have to load VMmaker. Right?
>> ESUG is cool...the swimming pool excellent and the site really
>> beautiful ;)
> Lucky you. I'm stuck in my little office commisioning two new computers
> (my powerBook died horribly, requiring herculean efforts of emergency
> data recovery by friends) and contemplating doing the vacuuming. Try to
> remember that it rarely works to take a laptop diving.
> tim
> --
> Tim Rowledge, tim at sumeru.stanford.edu, http://sumeru.stanford.edu/tim
> Useful Latin Phrases:- Vidistine nuper imagines moventes bonas? = Seen 
> any good movies lately?

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