[FIX][3.7a] ColorFormReadFromRemove-mu

umejava at mars.dti.ne.jp umejava at mars.dti.ne.jp
Mon Dec 1 10:37:41 UTC 2003

from preamble:

"Change Set:		ColorFormReadFromRemove-mu
Date:			1 December 2003
Author:			Masashi Umezawa

In 3.7a, ColorForm>>readFrom: should be removed. It raises ""not
implemented"" error but actually it is not needed.

A simple test code, which raises the error before this changeSet:
originalColorForm _ ColorForm someInstance.
binaryStream _ ReadWriteStream on: (ByteArray new: 100).
originalColorForm writeOn: binaryStream.
binaryStream reset.
readColorForm _ ColorForm new readFrom: binaryStream.
originalColorForm bits = readColorForm bits

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