SqueakPeople rewrite and grand plans

Chris Burkert chris at chrisburkert.de
Thu Dec 11 23:09:56 UTC 2003

Cees de Groot wrote:
> Chris Burkert  <squeak-dev at lists.squeakfoundation.org> said:
>>One step is, that we use the same Parser and Document model. 
>>Maybe I find the time to separate it at the weekend.
> Has been done already, Chris - I'm using it in my Gardner thingy. And
> yes, I'm very much planning to use the parser and the document model for
> SqP, because they are the best thing since sliced bread in Wikiland :-)

Yes I know ... I meant that we can separate it as one package on 
SM and use this *same* package in Gardner *and* SmallWiki.

            Chris Burkert

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