About chronology....

ducasse ducasse at iam.unibe.ch
Sat Dec 13 09:59:30 UTC 2003

hi all

As you saw we are preparing the inclusion of the chronology package as 
listed in the 3.7 alpha page on minnow.
Please pay attention that the changes are not the one available on 
squeak map but version1.3b2.

So if you have to say something please say it now or ....


Here is the description brent sent to me abut beta3 (I sent the files 
containing code, marcus will harvest the test separately).

> The motivation behind the Chronology package was to forever remove the
> problems of managing date/time sofware using Smalltalk's features (e.g
> block closure iterations).
> I also wanted to use it as a demonstration of Smalltalk - indeed the
> current julian date implementation of Date is one on my earlier 
> changesets.
> Hance non core classes like Schedule.
> As a basis the Chronology package implements both the ANSI standard 
> and has
> full backward comatibility (* see note) with the Smalltalk-80 protocol 
> and
> supports some of the temporary stop-gap classes like TimeStamp.
> The inspiration, as I acknowledge on the Swiki, is not mine, someone 
> else
> first introduced explicit classes for Month, Week; I just took is to 
> its
> conclusion.
> All deprecated methods use the KCP latest deprecation mechanism.
> There are SUnit tests - one test that consistently fails is 
> #testCoverage
> which is merely my mechanism to determine which classes do not have 
> tests
> for all methods. I also use the ANSI tests on SqueakMap.
> All the significant tests are complete (alas I converted to XP after I 
> has
> written most of the code)
> The 1.3 beta introduces support for classes/methods used by Chris 
> Muller's
> Magma database. It is my intension to help him migrate to the 
> chronology
> package if possible (e.g class Stopwatch) as Chronology clashes with 
> Magma.
> The SAR provides you with the option to just install the classes, or to
> install the classes with the SUnit tests.
> (Embedded in the SAR is a copy the ANSI compatibility classes from
> SqueakMap WITHOUT (sans) the DateAndTime and Duration classes, to make
> testing ANSI compliance easy)
> IMPORTANT: The import may appear complex and daunting but it isn't 
> really -
> the complexity comes is trying to swap out the Date and Time classes 
> whilst
> they are being used by the file-in code. The rest is just 
> factorisation.
> For the confident, the change sets in the SAR are named alphabetically 
> in
> the order they are to be imported. Some as mentioned are optional.
> Note: The only incompatibility is that the Week indexOfDay: #Sunday 
> answer
> 1.
> ToDo: Should my implementation make the grade:
> 1. I think we should canvas Chris Muller about migrating Magma
> 2. I need to categorise the methods properly.
> Tested in 3.7a-5595
> Thanks for your interest
> Brent

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