[FIX][KCP] KCP-0112-FixCanUnderstand [long!]

Colin Putney cputney at wiresong.ca
Mon Dec 15 22:49:33 UTC 2003

On Dec 15, 2003, at 2:58 PM, Julian Fitzell wrote:

> If you ask me, this is the crux of the argument that the rest of the 
> thread is missing.  self subclassResponsibility is not really a meta 
> marker on the class - it's an error.  It's implemented as:

I'd go even futher here:

First, the fact is Smalltalk doesn't really have the notion of abstract 
methods. I don't see this as a short coming of Smalltalk. Abstract 
methods are only needed in languages that confuse classes with type, as 
Peter mentioned earlier. In order to support polymorphism you need to 
put the method "too high" in the class hierarchy so that the type 
checker won't complain when it gets sent to the supertype.

Now, a problem that Smalltalk *does* face is that MNU errors are 
ambiguous. When you get one, the problem might be in either then sender 
or the receiver. That is, either the message shouldn't have been sent, 
or the receiver should have understood it. When a programmer calls 
#subclassResponsibility or #shouldNotImplement, what she's really doing 
is disambiguating the error.

In the case of #subclassResponsibility, she is saying that the message 
was correct, and the object should respond to it. The fact that it 
didn't is an error, and the fix is not to avoid sending the message, 
but to implement the method. The reverse situation applies to 
#shouldNotImplement. The programmer is telling us that the message 
makes no sense to this object and should not have been sent. This 
clarification is especially handy when the limitations of single 
inheritence (ie, lack of Traits) cause the object inherit an 
inappropriate method, which, if activated, would result in an error 
even more obscure than MNU.

I think #shouldNotImplment is misnamed. It should really be 
#cannotUnderstand. Conversely, #canUnderstand: is asking whether or not 
it makes sense to send a certain message to an object. So, for the 
following code, I think it would be reasonable to get a 
#subclassResponsibility error, but not a #shouldNotImplement error.

(object canUnderstand: #foo)
	ifTrue: [object foo[]



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