[Buggabugga] Complex e-toys p2p problem.

Alan Grimes alangrimes at starpower.net
Tue Dec 16 04:01:30 UTC 2003

I was trying to do some colaborative development with a relative squeak
newbie when I tried, for the first time, to set up a remote session
between the two squeaks. He recived the IM I sent him just fine but when
he replied my immage hung. =( 

Since this happened on my machine (and is extremely repeatable) and
because I have been suffering numerous linux related problems on my
machine I assumed something in my system libraries was at fault...
Miraculously I was able to clear up some of the problems on my system
but Squeak was still having problems....

I ran gdb on squeak and reproduced the problem by opening a second
immage and sending a message to the first. I found that the VM was still
running but was nonresponsive due to CPU-hog processes. 

I turned on CPU watcher and cought *TWO* over-time threads

My guess is that I'm witnessing a complex interaction between the immage
and the latest CVS source. 

This problem is reproducable (on my machine at least) with both my
workhorse 3.6-final immage and my "experamental" 3.7-alpha image. I
wouldn't be supprised if my workhorse is a bit quirky at this point but
the 3.7-alpha is mostly clean... very minimal usage asside from the
update streams and VM generation... 

I'll be willing to provide the 3.7 immage to anyone who needs to see the
actual error messages... 

President Bush's *head* is _F_L_A_T_.


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