[ClosureCompiler][SARBuilder] Quasi-Working SAR

Anthony Hannan ajh18 at cornell.edu
Wed Feb 5 17:21:24 UTC 2003

"Brent Vukmer" <bvukmer at blackboard.com> wrote:
> My 3.4gamma image throws a very funky exception when I file in the SAR I built from Anthony's ClosureCompiler ZIP file.

I purposely didn't build a SAR because changesets 2, 3 and 4 must be
filed-in separately.  Changeset 3 changes exceptions but since the act
of compiling and filing-in uses exceptions (InMidstOfFileinNotification,
RequestAlternateSyntaxSetting and ProgressInitiationException), they
have to be disabled in changeset 2.  Changeset 4 restores them.


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