[BC][FIX] Re: [BUG] ClosureCompiler

Anthony Hannan ajh18 at cornell.edu
Wed Feb 5 17:26:18 UTC 2003

Avi Bryant <avi at beta4.com> wrote:
> Try compiling the following method in any class:
> foo
>   1 = 1 ifTrue: [2]
> I get the error 'positive if jumps only'.

File-in the following method to fix this problem.

!JumpIfInstr methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'ajh 2/5/2003 12:08'!
jumpBytecodes: sequenceOrder

	| from to distance continue stream bytes |
	from _ sequenceOrder identityIndexOf: owningSequence.
	to _ sequenceOrder identityIndexOf: destinationSequence.
	from < to ifFalse: [self errorConditionalJumpBackwards].
	continue _ sequenceOrder identityIndexOf: otherwiseSequence.
	from + 1 = continue ifFalse: [self errorFallThroughSequenceNotNext].
	stream _ Compiler bytecodeWriteStream on: (ByteArray new: 4).
	to = continue ifTrue: [
		"jumps to fall-through branch, condition irrelevant.  Eg. x ifTrue: []."
		stream popTop.
	] ifFalse: [
		distance _ (from + 1 to: to - 1) inject: 0 into: [:size :i | 
			size + (sequenceOrder at: i) bytecodesSize].
		stream jump: distance if: jumpCondition.
	bytes _ stream contents.
	localBytecodeRange _ owningSequence bytecodesWithoutJump size + 1
extend: bytes size.
	^ bytes
! !

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