newbie question

j s arf_arf69 at
Fri Feb 28 19:09:31 UTC 2003

I am puzzled

MyListMorph is supposed to create and display a list 
morph with sample text in the list. 

this snippet works:

    (MyListMorph new initialize: self myMenu x: 10 y:
10)  openView.

    myMenu   "defined as a class method"
	^ #(choice1 choice2 choice3).
this snippet does not work:

    (MyListMorph new initialize: self myOtherMenu x:
10 y: 10) openView.

    myOtherMenu  "defined as an instance method"
	^ #(choice1 choice2 choice3).

and this one, of course, works:

	| w aa |

	w _	MyListMorph new.
	aa _	w myOtherMenu.
	w	 initialize:  aa  x: 800 y: 600.
	w	openView.

Why does the class method return the collection but 
the instance method does not.  Is the instance not 
created after the [new] message even before the 
[initialize:x:y:] message?
How would I write a single line command that works 
with an instance method?
I now that it is not good practice to run commands
together on a single line, makes code difficult to 
read, but I am trying to understand the workings of 



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