[ENH] Socket-sendUDPData

stefan kersten steve at k-hornz.de
Thu Jan 23 16:20:47 UTC 2003

from the changeset's preamble:

Adds methods to Socket for sending datagrams while avoiding unecessary
copying of data.

-------------- next part --------------
'From Squeak3.5alpha of ''7 January 2003'' [latest update: #5169] on 23 January 2003 at 5:18:13 pm'!
"Change Set:		Socket-sendUDPData-enh-sk
Date:			21 January 2003
Author:			sk <steve at k-hornz.de>

Adds methods to Socket for sending datagrams while avoiding unecessary copying of data."!

!Socket methodsFor: 'datagrams' stamp: 'sk 1/23/2003 17:17'!
sendUDPData: aStringOrByteArray count: bytesToSend toHost: hostAddress port: portNumber
	"Send a UDP packet containing the first bytesToSend bytes of the given data to the specified host/port."

	^ self
		sendUDPData: aStringOrByteArray
		startingAt: 1
		count: bytesToSend
		toHost: hostAddress
		port: portNumber! !

!Socket methodsFor: 'datagrams' stamp: 'sk 1/23/2003 17:16'!
sendUDPData: aStringOrByteArray startingAt: startIndex count: bytesToSend toHost: hostAddress port: portNumber
	"Send a UDP packet containing bytesToSend bytes of the given data starting at startIndex to the specified host/port."

	| bytesSent count |

	bytesSent _ 0.
	[bytesSent < bytesToSend] whileTrue: [
		(self waitForSendDoneUntil: (Socket deadlineSecs: 20))
			ifFalse: [self error: 'send data timeout; data not sent'].
		count _ self primSocket: socketHandle
			sendUDPData: aStringOrByteArray
			toHost: hostAddress
			port: portNumber
			startIndex: startIndex + bytesSent
			count: bytesToSend - bytesSent.
		bytesSent _ bytesSent + count].

	^ bytesSent! !

!Socket methodsFor: 'datagrams' stamp: 'sk 1/23/2003 17:17'!
sendUDPData: aStringOrByteArray toHost: hostAddress port: portNumber
	"Send a UDP packet containing the given data to the specified host/port."

	^ self
		sendUDPData: aStringOrByteArray
		startingAt: 1
		count: aStringOrByteArray size
		toHost: hostAddress
		port: portNumber! !

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