[Help]Collapsing morphs in system window with button

Lic. Edgar J. De Cleene edgardec2001 at yahoo.com.ar
Sun Jan 26 18:39:25 UTC 2003

Skipped content of type multipart/alternative-------------- next part --------------
'From Squeak3.4gamma of ''7 January 2003'' [latest update: #5168] on 26 January 2003 at 3:35:38 pm'!

!Quimica methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'EDC 1/2/2003 08:11'!
	| frame buttons max ima worldToUse f esteBoton |
	iones _ #('Ag+' 'Pb++' 'Hg++' 'Bi+++' 'Cu++' 'Cd++' 'As+++' 'Sb+++' 'Sn+++' 'Al+++' 'Cr+++' 'Fe+++' 'Ni++' 'Co++' 'Mn++' 'Zn++' 'Ca ++' 'Ba++' 'Sr++' 'Mg++' 'Na+' ).
	solucionIncognita _ OrderedCollection new.
	ultimoPrecipitado _ 0.
	losReactivos _ Array new: 6.
	#('HCI' 'H2S' 'NH40H' 'NH4Cl' '(NH4)2S' '(NH4)2CO3' ).
	self setFolder.
	f _ Form fromFileNamed: 'SqueakChem.jpg'.
	f borderWidth: 2.
	ima _ ImageMorph new.
	ima image: f.
	frame _ AlignmentMorph newColumn.
	buttons _ OrderedCollection new add: (SimpleButtonMorph new label: 'Hacer solucion ';
					 target: self;
					 actionSelector: #solucion);
				 add: (SimpleButtonMorph new label: 'Resetear directorio';
					 target: self;
					 actionSelector: #resetFolder);
				 add: (SimpleButtonMorph new label: 'Residuo';
					 target: self;
					 actionSelector: #residuo);
				 add: (SimpleButtonMorph new label: 'Filtrado';
					 target: self;
					 actionSelector: #filtrado);
				 add: (SimpleButtonMorph new label: 'Test cation';
					 target: self;
					 actionSelector: #cation);
				 add: (SimpleButtonMorph new label: 'Prueba';
					 target: self;
					 actionSelector: #solucionDePrueba);
				 add: (SimpleButtonMorph new label: 'Ayuda';
					 target: self;
					 actionSelector: #ayuda);
	"Add the buttons to the same frame"
		reverseDo: [:each | frame addMorph: each].
	"Compute the max width"
	max _ 0.
		do: [:each | max _ each width max: max].
	"Set all widths to the max value"
		do: [:each | each width: max;
				 color: Color gray].
	"Include the frame into the receiver"
	ima addMorph: frame.
	ima openInWorld.
	f _ Form fromFileNamed: 'Clor.gif'.
	esteBoton _ IconicButton new.
	esteBoton initialize.
	esteBoton labelGraphic: f.
	esteBoton target: self.
	esteBoton actionSelector: #clorhidrico.
	esteBoton position: 120 @ 0.
	esteBoton openInWorld.
	ima addMorphFront: esteBoton fromWorldPosition: esteBoton positionInWorld.
	f _ Form fromFileNamed: 'sulf.gif'.
	esteBoton _ IconicButton new.
	esteBoton initialize.
	esteBoton labelGraphic: f.
	esteBoton target: self.
	esteBoton actionSelector: #sulfhidrico.
	esteBoton position: 180 @ 0.
	esteBoton openInWorld.
	ima addMorphFront: esteBoton fromWorldPosition: esteBoton positionInWorld.
	f _ Form fromFileNamed: 'amon.gif'.
	esteBoton _ IconicButton new.
	esteBoton initialize.
	esteBoton labelGraphic: f.
	esteBoton target: self.
	esteBoton actionSelector: #hidroxAmo.
	esteBoton position: 240 @ 0.
	esteBoton openInWorld.
	ima addMorphFront: esteBoton fromWorldPosition: esteBoton positionInWorld.
	f _ Form fromFileNamed: 'sulfamon.gif'.
	esteBoton _ IconicButton new.
	esteBoton initialize.
	esteBoton labelGraphic: f.
	esteBoton target: self.
	esteBoton actionSelector: #sulfurAmon.
	esteBoton position: 300 @ 0.
	esteBoton openInWorld.
	ima addMorphFront: esteBoton fromWorldPosition: esteBoton positionInWorld.
	f _ Form fromFileNamed: 'carboamon.gif'.
	esteBoton _ IconicButton new.
	esteBoton initialize.
	esteBoton labelGraphic: f.
	esteBoton target: self.
	esteBoton actionSelector: #carbonAmon.
	esteBoton position: 360 @ 0.
	esteBoton openInWorld.
	ima addMorphFront: esteBoton fromWorldPosition: esteBoton positionInWorld.
	f _ Form fromFileNamed: 'dicrom.gif'.
	esteBoton _ IconicButton new.
	esteBoton initialize.
	esteBoton labelGraphic: f.
	esteBoton target: self.
	esteBoton actionSelector: #dicrom.
	esteBoton position: 420 @ 0.
	esteBoton openInWorld.
	ima addMorphFront: esteBoton fromWorldPosition: esteBoton positionInWorld.
	worldToUse _ ima world.
	"I'm assuming we are already in a world"
	ventana _ (SystemWindow labelled: 'SqueakChem')
				model: nil.
		bounds: (ima position - (0 @ ventana labelHeight + ventana borderWidth) corner: ima bottomRight + ventana borderWidth).
		addMorph: ima
		frame: (0 @ 0 extent: 1 @ 1).
	ventana openCenteredInWorld.
	ImagenArmada _ ima! !

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