email syntax validation needed

Nevin Pratt nevin at
Sat Jul 5 05:45:46 UTC 2003

Derek Brans wrote:

> Does anyone have code (or is there any in the image) which, given a 
> string, returns whether or not that string is a syntactically valid 
> email address?
> Thanks.
> Derek Brans
> Nerd on a Wire
> Web design that's anything but square
> mailto: brans at <mailto:brans at>
> phone: 604.874.6463
> toll-free: 1-877-NERD-ON-A-WIRE


What did you finally use in your quest on this topic?  Here is a piece 
of code I use.  It requires that the email address have a $@ character 
in it.  It requires that the hostname portion following that character 
be resolvable via DNS (and it must resolve within 5 seconds).  And it 
requires that the username portion of it not have a space (I've found 
putting spaces in the username to be a very common user error).  You can 
see I can easily expand the list of bad characters in the username 
portion if I choose to, although I never have:

isValidEmailAddress: emailAddress
    | username |
    emailAddress isNil
        ifTrue: [^ false].
            addressForName: (emailAddress copyAfter: $@)
            timeout: 5) isNil
        ifTrue: [^ false].
    username _ emailAddress copyUpTo: $@.
    (username includesAnyOf: ' ')
        ifTrue: [^ false].
    ^ true

Nevin Pratt
Bountiful Baby
(801) 992-3137

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