Looking for tools for support of theoretical informatics research

Hannes Hirzel hannes.hirzel.squeaklist at bluewin.ch
Fri Jul 11 15:54:52 UTC 2003


Hannes Hirzel wrote:

>  > 2) automatas (push-down automata, finite-state automata,
>    turing machine

I once read a book 'Computability with Pascal', by John S. Mallozzi and 
Nicholas J. De Lillo, Prentice Hall, 1984 which I really liked.

- Chapter 2: Recursive Functions
- Chapter 3: Finite Automata
- Chapter 4: Turing Machines
- Chapter 5: Unsolvable Problems

Theoretical CS (theorems and stuff) together with mathematically clean 
pascal code to illustrate them.

Having the same in Squeak (complete with Morphic animations) would be great!


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