[FIX] [ENH] Remove of eToys hardcoded fonts ( more fixes: RemoveHardcodedFontsFix-nk )

ned at bike-nomad.com ned at bike-nomad.com
Sat Jul 12 16:08:18 UTC 2003

from preamble:

"Change Set:		RemoveHardcodedFontsFix-nk
Date:			12 July 2003
Author:			Ned Konz

This is a fix for Diego Gomez Deck's change set named


Was getting the tryButton size wrong.

Didn't set up the Preference on load (the postscript of this CS does

Made it insensitive to loss of fonts in restoreDefaultFonts.

Morph names, script status got their fonts changed (status wasn't being
initialized, too)

Vocabulary category headers got their fonts changed.
They're still changed; I don't know if this is good.

Tracked down a number of other references to #ComicBold using this

| names |
names _ TextStyle actualTextStyles keys.
SystemNavigation new browseAllSelect: [ :meth  | meth
hasLiteralSuchThat: [ :lit | names includes: lit ]] name: 'References to
literal style names' autoSelect: nil.

Replaced most of them with either direct calls to #standardEToysFont or
Preferences standardEToysFont familyName

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Url : http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/pipermail/squeak-dev/attachments/20030712/f643c19a/RemoveHardcodedFontsFix-nk.cs.obj

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