Squat progress 17 July 2003: method activation marking

Craig Latta craig at netjam.org
Fri Jul 18 02:47:33 UTC 2003

	(mailing list info at http://netjam.org/squat )


	I've added support for marking each method as it is run, giving me a
better (but not perfect) idea of which methods I can swap out.

	I've got a few interesting numbers. If I clear all method marks, then
snapshot, resume, and ask for a tally of marked and unmarked methods, I
get 458 marked and 1766 unmarked (a full space analysis is at
http://netjam.org/squat/space2.txt ). If I clear all method marks and
immediately ask for the tally I get 27 marked and 2197 unmarked. (The
queries are all done via remote message-sending, to a snapshot which has
no methods swapped out.)


Craig Latta
craig at netjam.org
[|] Proceed for Truth!

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