[VM] HashBits, a lazy way

Andreas Raab andreas.raab at gmx.de
Sat Jul 19 20:14:46 UTC 2003

Hi John,

> Not quite the same, however in running tinybenchmarks I noted
> june 30thVM 40,738,383 bytecode/sec 972,076 sends/sec
> 3.6.1bxVM     40,429,564 bytecodes/sec 984,169 sends/sec

Interesting. I actually +10% in both, sends and bytecodes per second based
purely on the code generator enhancements which (consistently) translate
into +5% in macro benchmarks. I wonder if that's because of Processor
differences (you say "Pentium" and by that I presume you mean PI) or if it
might be an effect of the dual processor system or if it could be a
difference in the compiler (I use 2.95.2) or optimization flags used.

> Similar performance, but the 3.6.1bxVM has better 
> sends/second. Due to the CodeGenEnh I think...
> Certainly one is not extraordinary faster than the other.
> However  when I looked at allocation rates for 1 asFloat,  
> 2 at 3, Array new: 5 I saw
> june30thVM 37,654, 40,198, 31,037
> 3.6.1bxVM    75,952,  82,524, 39,325

Now _that's_ interesting. BTW, I don't think you've ever posted the
benchmark - can you please post it, so that we can compare the results

  - Andreas

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