[ANN][SM] Garden is now on SM

Daniel Vainsencher danielv at netvision.net.il
Thu Jul 24 23:41:09 UTC 2003

>From the SM entry -
A notes editor that uses Squeak hypertext to provide a quick editor to a
(currently local only) swiki.

To run it do 
(SwikiEditor onPath: 'ATestWiki') openInMorphic. 

Use it like you're in a simple wiki (just internal links, no support yet
for multimedia). Cmd-s saves.

Prerequisites -
Gardner (the swiki by Cees on which this is based)
SmallWiki (the wiki parsing stuff by someone else on which Gardner is

Gardner claims to need Seaside, but unless you actually want to make
your wiki publically available, we don't need it.

Instant Installation script (be reasonable to the prompts, and abandon
the walk back) - 
do: [:e | SMSqueakMap default installPackageWithId: e]. "Installs
monticello, DynamicBindings, SmaCC runtime, and Gardner"

dvf.6.mcv'} do: [:url | (MCVersion fromStream: (HTTPSocket httpGet:
url)) load.

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