[BUG] Socket accept handling

Stephen Pair stephen at pairhome.net
Sun Jul 27 04:48:59 UTC 2003

One more time with the changeset.  ;)

Stephen Pair wrote:

> It appears that Socket>>waitForAcceptFor: and friends are not working 
> in the latest 3.6 image.  Attached is a change set that fixes it and 
> also adds a couple of related convenience methods.
> Also, in 3.6 there appear to be a number of changes relating to method 
> contexts and such...I keep encountering "Block cannot return" errors 
> during process unwinding (on termination)...these errors are happening 
> in code that worked fine in previous releases (specifically it's 
> happening when stopping a Service in KomServices).  Has anyone 
> experienced this?
> - Stephen

-------------- next part --------------
'From Squeak3.6beta of ''4 July 2003'' [latest update: #5373] on 27 July 2003 at 12:48:27 am'!

!Socket methodsFor: 'waiting' stamp: 'svp 7/27/2003 00:12'!
waitForAcceptFor: timeout
	"Wait and accept an incoming connection"
	self waitForConnectionFor: timeout.
	^self accept! !

!Socket methodsFor: 'waiting' stamp: 'svp 7/27/2003 00:23'!
waitForAcceptFor: timeout ifTimedOut: timeoutBlock
	"Wait and accept an incoming connection"
	self waitForConnectionFor: timeout ifTimedOut: [^timeoutBlock value].
	^self accept! !

!Socket methodsFor: 'waiting' stamp: 'svp 7/27/2003 00:18'!
waitForConnectionFor: timeout
	"Wait up until the given deadline for a connection to be established. Return true if it is established by the deadline, false if not."

		waitForConnectionFor: timeout 
		ifTimedOut: [ConnectionTimedOut signal: (NetNameResolver stringFromAddress: self remoteAddress)]
! !

!Socket methodsFor: 'waiting' stamp: 'svp 7/27/2003 00:01'!
waitForConnectionFor: timeout ifTimedOut: timeoutBlock
	"Wait up until the given deadline for a connection to be established. Return true if it is established by the deadline, false if not."

	| status deadline |
	deadline := Socket deadlineSecs: timeout.
	status _ self primSocketConnectionStatus: socketHandle.
	[(status = WaitingForConnection) and: [Time millisecondClockValue < deadline]]
		whileTrue: [
			semaphore waitTimeoutMSecs: (deadline - Time millisecondClockValue).
			status _ self primSocketConnectionStatus: socketHandle].

	status = Connected ifFalse: [^timeoutBlock value]
! !

!Socket methodsFor: 'waiting' stamp: 'svp 7/27/2003 00:18'!
waitForDataFor: timeout
	"Wait for the given nr of seconds for data to arrive.
	Signal a time out or connection close exception if either happens before data becomes available."

		waitForDataFor: timeout
		ifClosed: [ConnectionClosed signal: 'Connection closed while waiting for data.']
		ifTimedOut: [ConnectionTimedOut signal: 'Data receive timed out.']
! !

!Socket methodsFor: 'waiting' stamp: 'svp 7/27/2003 00:16'!
waitForDataFor: timeout ifClosed: closedBlock ifTimedOut: timedOutBlock
	"Wait for the given nr of seconds for data to arrive."

	| deadline |
	deadline := Socket deadlineSecs: timeout.

	[Time millisecondClockValue < deadline]
		whileTrue: [
			(self primSocketReceiveDataAvailable: socketHandle)
				ifTrue: [^self].
			self isConnected
				ifFalse: [^closedBlock value].
			self readSemaphore waitTimeoutMSecs: (deadline - Time millisecondClockValue)].

	(self primSocketReceiveDataAvailable: socketHandle)
		ifFalse: [
			self isConnected
				ifTrue: [^timedOutBlock value]
				ifFalse: [^closedBlock value]]! !

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